Presentations - A Gift of Geology

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Presentations and lectures
I regularly give fully illustrated talks about my research in the field of Egyptology.  If you'd like me to visit your society or school to give one of my presentations, please contact me using this form.

On Pyramid Causeways, Powerpoint, 2004, 20 minutes.

To Build a Pyramid, Powerpoint, 2005, 60 minutes.

Giza Before the Pyramids, Powerpoint, 2006, 20 minutes.

Aswan Granite, Powerpoint, 2008, 60 minutes.

The Eastern Desert of Egypt, Powerpoint, 2011, 70 minutes.

Gold, Powerpoint, 2012, 50 minutes.

The influence of landscape on the development of the Egyptian Pyramid, Powerpoint, 2014, 20 minutes.

The Early Dynasties – little known early dynasty tombs, Powerpoint, 2014, 45 minutes.

The Age of the Sphinx, Powerpoint, 2014, 75 minutes.

Egypt’s Western Desert, Powerpoint, 2014, 60 minutes.

Ancient Egypt: Land of the Pharaohs (for schools), Powerpoint, 2015, 45 minutes.

Imhotep, Powerpoint, 2015, 60 minutes.

Origins of the Concept of the Sphinx, Powerpoint, 2016, 75 minutes.

Egyptian Surrealism, Powerpoint, 2017, 60 minutes.

The Meidum Pyramid, Powerpoint, 2018, 75 minutes.

The Age of the Great Sphinx of Giza, Powerpoint, 2018, 20 minutes.

Egypt Rocks: The Geology of Egypt, Powerpoint, 2019, 60 minutes.

Early Dynastic Saqqara, Powerpoint, 2019, 75 minutes.

Egyptian Pyramids, Powerpoint, 2019, 60 minutes.

Meidum and Dashur, Powerpoint, 2019, 60 minutes.

Tutankhamun: The Extraterrestrial Connection, Powerpoint, 2022, 70 minutes.

A Gift of Geology: Ancient Quarrying and Mining, Powerpoint, 2023, 90 minutes.

Copyright Colin D Reader, 2023

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